How to transfert your logfile from NT to a Unix station : I'm using a FTP client from a NT server, you should have a ftp server running on the Unix side. The FTP commands will be stored in a file. (ie : ftp_cmd.txt) 1) create a text file with the following informations on each line somewhere on your NT station (in a protected area) : The following command will be issued from the FTP client : a) First login/passwd to logon the unix station is your login account on the Unix station is your passwd for your unix account. The passwd is written in clear, so be careful ! b) changing directory is the location on your unix station where you want to store the NT logfile. c) send the logfile to issue the send command from the FTP client. You should give the full path (i.e C:\Netscape\SuiteSpot...) d) Bye exit from the FTP client 2) Edit a batch file to run your FTP client (ie : ftp_crontab.bat) Only one line to launch the FTP client like : -s: is the full path to your ftp executable. is the location of the ftp command file you have created before. is the name of your unix server C:\WINNT\system32\ftp.exe -s:D:\Netscape\SuiteSpot\proxy-neptune\logs\ftp_cmd.txt 3) Next add an entry in your at command scheduler. at 00h05 /every:l,m,me,j,v,s,d D:\Netscape\ftp_crontab.bat will run the ftp_crontab.bat script everyday at 00h05. So your current logfile on your NT will be transfered to your Unix station daily and you will be able to run your stats from your favorite OS ;)