-s |
The script will update your main stats by computing logfiles not read since
the last run. To get an up to date stats report, this script need to be
run each day. But if you miss some days, it will be able to scan for the
last 7 days. If too many days are missing, computation time could be
too long and restarting from scratch could be shortest (with cron-pages).
You could change this value to an higher one only if your stats update is
longer than the 7 days.
-i |
You can give another logfile to read.
-p |
The level of precision can be change if you think the stats are too long
to compute.
-j |
It is possible to compute stats only for one day if you need some specific
information for that date.
-t |
The number of displayed toplist files can be change also.