W3Perl speed

One w3perl weakness come from its speed to deliver stats. Of course, the package is not able to compute as fast as package written in C but the following data will show you that w3perl can do its job in a reasonable amount of time ... and as CPU speed are going faster and faster, time is less a critical value.

Time to process an
1 Gb logfile
Time to process an
1 Tb logfile
AnalogC23 0003 min 401 h
WebalizerC10 0008 min 202 h 20
AWstatsPerl4 10020 min 205 h 40
W3PerlPerl3 50023 min 406 h 40

If W3Perl is slower than AWstats, this is because W3Perl produce more detailed stats.
Don't forget that this is the time need to compute stats from scratch. Daily run are incremental and take a few minutes to complete whatever your logfile size.

 Daily stats 

This graph show how long it take to compute each daily stats of a logfile. One point is one day, so a day took typically 3 seconds to compute for an average 6000 hits/day website and 15-20 seconds for a 40000 hits/day website.

w3perl cpu w3perl cpu
40 months of data (average 6000 hits/day) 12 months of data (average 40000 hits/day)

Stats have been computed on a XP2500+ with 512 Mb under Linux.

 Reverse DNS 

Reverse dns is used to translate IP to hostname (and thus allowing country stats) but it's a very consuming job. The Netgeo and Geoip_free module allow to reverse dns without to query a DNS and save a lots of time (they have their own file database) ... but it's not as accurate and uptodate than querying a DNS server.

(Logfile 1.7 Gb) CPU Speed
(lines / sec)
Relative speed (%)
reverse dns off 41 min 50 3550 100 %
geoip_free module 1 h 02 min 55 2280 65 %
netgeo module 1 h 04 min 15 2280 65 %
reverse dns on 9 h 12 min 20 270 7 %

 CPU timing 

To give an idea, compressed logfiles are 90% smaller than uncompressed ones. Reverse dns is disabled
Precision level : 3. Reverse DNS disabled, virus stats disabled and robot detection disabled

Website Intervalle Logfile size
Logfile size
Hits / day CPU
(reverse dns off)
CPU Speed
(lines / sec)
W3Perl 1216 days
(40 months)
124 Mb 1.7 Gb 6 000 41 min 50 XP2500+ (Linux) 3550
INRP 129 days
(3 months)
154 Mb 1.2 Gb 61 000 39 min 26 XP2500+ (Linux) 3970


If you want to increase speed :
  • Don't use the reverse dns option, querying dns server could take several seconds for each IP address. Results are cached in a file for the next calls but it really make things very slow. You could win a three to five speed increase.
    If you really want to get the country stats, better is to use the netgeo or geoip_free perl module.
    You can also convert your logfile with Fastresolve which can translate IP to hostname.
  • Disable unnecessary stats in your configuration file (scripts, virus, will save you much CPU).
  • Robots or spammers filtering is also time consuming.
  • Don't select too much pages in the @selection variable.
  • Use only one language output.