If you are running Linux, this is the easy way to install the package.
W3Perl RPM have been built on a Mandriva but it should also works with any distributions
supporting rpm tools. You need to log as root.
Default location is :
Mandriva |
CentOS |
Webserver |
/var/www/html/ |
/var/www/html/ |
Cgi |
/var/www/cgi-bin/ |
/var/www/cgi-bin/ |
Logfiles |
/var/logs/httpd/ |
/var/logs/httpd/ |
Default logfile format is ECLF.
The default configuration file is config-mdv.pl
* First Step : Requirement
You should have an Apache webserver running.
* 2nd Step : Install W3Perl
Just type :
rpm -ivh w3perl-<version>-<subversion>mdv.noarch.rpm where <version> is the current release number.
or rpm -Uvh w3perl-<version>-<subversion>mdv.noarch.rpm if you want to upgrade from a previous installation.
Files will be installed to the proper location with the right path. Files Group/Owner are apache (httpd user).
RPM are build as relocatable so installation can be done in another location.
If you need to remove these packages, just use rpm -e w3perl-<version>-<subversion>mdv.
* 3rd Step : Permission
Two directories shoud be writeable by the server if you want to use the administration interface :
- /w3perl/config/ and /w3perl/resources/admin/, so chmod 777 if not.
- Also /w3perl/resources/admin/locconf and /w3perl/config/ should be writeable so chmod 666.
- Edit the admin/pass.txt file if your IP doesn't match and add your local IP
* 4rd Step : Configuration
W3Perl need a configuration file to run.
A default configuration file (config-example-ubuntu.pl) is provided so the scripts are ready to run. But some fields need
to be edited as your server domain name. Go to the administration interface (
and use the config-example-ubuntu file as a template ('clone' option)
That's all !
* 5th Step : Optional software
Geo-IPfree or Geo-IP perl module allow geographical mapping from IP addresses.
Install package geoip and perl-Geo-IP.
If you can't install these packages, you can them download them and install them manually :
- Fly/Flydraw : generate GIF graphics (latest W3Perl version use a javascript library)
- GeoIP : You need first to install the GeoIP C Library (configure, make, make install) then the Geo-IP perl module (perl Makefile.PL, make, make test, make install)
- Geo-IPfree : Same as geoIP but free (perl Makefile.PL, make, make test, make install)
- HTMLDoc to allow PDF output
- Perl MIME::Lite module to allow report to be send by email
See the plug-in page to get more informations.