What you need


You should first download the latest version available.


Scripts need a Perl interpreter. Most Unix/MacOS have already this language available. Windows user should download Strawberry Perl or ActivePerl Use the latest one if you want to use the w3perl-iis.exe package.

Perl modules

You can use several perl modules for optional stats. Check the W3Perl download page in order to get them.

Geo::IP Map IP to country. Can be used to improve reverse dns
Geo::IPfree Another IP mapping to country.
MIME::Lite If you want to receive email report
DBI When using the SPIP engine, extract URL to title from the database

Gzip or Zip

To uncompress or compress the logs files if needed. Bzip files are also supported, others can be added on request. (optional)


W3Perl use logfiles to compute stats. You can use your server's logfiles or let W3Perl create logfiles for you (using javacsript tag to be inserted in your pages).


You don't need the latest CPU in order to use W3Perl. But more RAM you have, the better it is as the package require a large amount of memory to run.