Mac OS

- Perl is required as W3Perl is written in Perl. MacOS X provide a default Perl binary.

- You should also have a web server running. Go into the “System Preferences Control panel located on the “Apple Menu”. Click on the Icon labeled "Sharing". Then locate the tab labeled "File & Web". You will want to click the button labeled “Start” in the "Web Sharing " section. This starts up Web sharing which starts the Apache Web Server. Apache Web Server is now running.


* First STAGE : Install W3Perl

- Package : Download the dmg file, open the disk image and click on the pkg file to install the scripts
- Manually : If you want to use the tar.gz package. Uncompress it in your /Library/WebServer/Documents directory.
Then edit the file and change the following settings :
$pathcgi = "/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/w3perl"; and
$pathw3perl = "/Library/WebServer/Documents/w3perl";
and run the script as admin.

* 2nd STAGE : Permission

Two directories shoud be writeable by the server if you want to use the administration interface :
- /w3perl/config/ and /w3perl/resources/admin/, so chmod 777 if not.
- Also /w3perl/resources/admin/locconf and /w3perl/config/ should be writeable so chmod 666.

- Edit the admin/pass.txt file if your IP doesn't match and add your local IP

* 3rd STAGE : Plugins

You can install some plugins if you want extra stats as user's screensize, heatmap, city ...
Screensize and heatmap require few lines of javacsript to be included in some of your web files.
IP mapping (allowing IP mapping to country code without using the slow reverse dns), city and emails reports require Perl modules to be installed.
PDF export need an extra program to be downloaded and installed.

* 4th STAGE : Build configuration file

- Now use your opened browser ( to build a configuration file.
- A default configuration file is available for Apache (config-example-macos). If you want to use your own logfiles rather than the default Apache server, edit this file and change the logfile path.
- Click on Make configuration file and follow the procedures outlined. By filling in the details you will create a file called or use the Clone option to use the default MacOS file as a template (config-example-macos)
- Once created, look for this file in /config/ and copy it to your /cgi-bin/w3perl directory.

* 5th STAGE : Ready

- You should now be able to analyse your logs.
- In admin go through the Launch area links that will start your statistics from zero.
- Then run the incremental script every day to accumulate your statistics (or use a crontab on MacOS X).

* Problem ?

If you have any trouble with w3perl installation, send me an email or ask for help in the forum. There is a dedicated forum for MacOS users

- Need MacOS X, not tested on older mac system