1 ## WWW server address (just the name, don't add http://)
2 $localhost = "www.iap.fr";
4 ## Local host address (just the name, don't add http://)
5 ## Same as $localserver if the scripts are run on the server
6 $localserver = "";
7 $localserver_port = 80; # Port number

Your name server : $localserver
Name of your server where the logfiles come from.
Don't add any protocol in front of the name or port number after. Domain name will be extracted from this field except if you give an IP address.
(Eg : $localserver = "www.orstom.fr")

Local host : $localhost
Local host where the stats are running. If they are computed on the server, give the server name.
Best is to download the logfiles on a different host to avoid using server's CPU. Note it can be done
automatically if the logfiles are located in a private URL.
(Eg : $localhost = "")

Local host port number : $localhost_port
Default web server are running on port 80 but if you are using another port number, change this value.
(Eg : $localhost_port = 80)
1 ## Directory filter
2 $tri = "/";
4 ## Filtering only one country - use country extension
5 $country_filtering = "";
7 ## Hosts to filter
8 ## '.ens.fr' reject the ens.fr domain
9 ## '.fr' reject all french hosts
10 @nolog = ();
12 ## full detailled stats for these html pages (URL from your Document root)
13 @selection = ();
15 ## Subdirectories with graphical stats output
16 ## (URL from your Document root)
17 @selecrepert = ();
19 ## Excluding subdirectories from your report
20 ## (URL from your Document root)
21 @excluderepert = ();
23 ## Virtual server to exclude (available for NECLF)
24 @excludevirtual = ();
26 ## Status code to exclude (status 400 and beyond are filtered by default)
27 @excludestatuscode = ();
29 ## RSS file
30 @rss_file = ();

URL filtering : $tri
Use '/' to scan everything from your root server. Otherwise, set a directory and only URL starting with this
value will be scanned. Useful if you want to scan only part of your server.
(Eg : $tri = "/subdirectory/")

Country filtering : $country_filtering
To skip log entries from a country. Use country extension
(Eg : $contry_filtering = ".com" to exclude all hosts from .com)

Hosts filtering : $nolog
To skip log entries from some servers or domains
(Eg : @nolog = ('194.51.174','.grolier.') exclude 194.51.174.* and all grolier hosts)

Extra report for some pages : @selection
If you need very detailed stats for some files ... don't specify too much !
(Eg : @selection = ('/raydream/index.html','/download/package.tar.gz');)

Directories report : @selecrepert
Graphic stats for some subdirectories, should be in the same depth level. Usually give main subdirectories.
(Eg : @selecrepert = ('/raydream/','/astro/','/uk/','/fr/');)

Directories filtering : @excluderepert
To skip entries from these subdirectories
(Eg : @excluderepert = ('/private/');)
1 ## Global variables
2 $precision = 3; # level of accuracy (from 1 (basic) to 4 (huge))
3 $show_all = 1; # will also display all items
4 $locallog = 1; # local access log (0 = no = exclude local log)
5 $localonly = 0; # only local access log (1 = yes = only local log)
6 $zip = 1; # compressed log files (1 = yes)
7 $zipcut = 3; # split log files : 0 => no ; 1 => monthly ; 2 => daily ; 3 => apache rotation
8 $topten = 10; # Show only best items
9 $seuilpage = 10; # Show pages with more than requests
10 $seuilsite = 10; # Show hosts with more than requests
11 $seuilscript = 10; # Show scripts with more than requests
12 $seuilrepert = 100; # displaying directories with more than requests
13 $optdirsize = 4; # directories traffic graphs [html pages ( 1 : total, 2 : external, 3 : local), all files ( 4 : total, 5 : external, 6 : local)]
14 $nbdays = 50; # number of days to display for graphs
50 @extension = ('html','php'); # html pages extensions to parse, ('') mean html files have no extension
51 @extensionimage = ('gif','jpg','png'); # images extensions to parse
53 $reverse_dns = 0; # Reverse IP to name (slow down computing by a large amount)
54 $reverse_geo = 0; # Map IP to country code (need to get one of the following perl module installed)
55 $netgeo = 0; # Map IP to country code (Geo::IP perl module)
56 $geoip_free = 0; # Map IP to country code (Geo::IPfree the perl module)
57 $titlename = 0; # convert URL to title (0 = no)
58 $defaulthomepage = "index.html"; # request on '/' means request on 'index.html'
60 ## $localdomainename is your domain name
61 ## add your IP adresses if your hosts don't have a DNS
62 ## ^ mean 'begin with', $ mean 'end with', put \ before any dot (using regex)
63 ## Ex : ^145.238.44.* (all hosts inside 145.238.44. are domain hosts)
64 $localdomainename = "iap.fr";
65 $localdomaine = "iap.fr";
67 $tildealias = ""; # your aliases for users HTML directory
68 $exclude_frame = 0; # set to 1 to exclude framed page
69 $exclude_robot = 1; # set to 1 to exclude robot
70 $exclude_refererspam = 0; # set to 1 to exclude referer spammer
72 # Spip engine used ?
73 $spip = 0; # set to 1 if you are using a spip engine

Report level : $precision
Set the level of report. Default is 3
(Eg : $precision = from 1 to 4)

Local domain report : $locallog
If you want to log your domain server also.
(Eg : $locallog = 1 will also compute log for your domain)

Local domain only : $localonly
- $localonly
If you want to log ONLY your domain server
(Eg : $locallog = 1 will compute log ONLY for your domain)

Compressed logfiles : $zip
Set $zip to 1 if you have compressed logfiles.
(Eg : $zip = 0 for uncompressed log files or $zip = 1 for compressed log files)

Splitted logfiles : $zipcut
If your logfile are split. Set to '1' for monthly, '2' for daily
logfiles, or '3' for apache rotation logfiles
(Eg : $zipcut = 0 mean only one log file)
- Threshold
- $topten
List only the $topten most successful files
(Eg : $topten = 10)
- $seuilpage
Show only files with more than $seuilpage requests.
It avoid to have too large files results.
(Eg : $seuilpage = 100)
- $seuilsite
List only sites with more than $seuilsite requests
(Eg : $seuilsite = 9 to show sites with 10 accesses and more)
- $seuilscript
List only scripts with more than $seuilscript requests
(Eg : $seuilscript = 5 to show scripts used more than 5 accesses)
- $seuilrepert
List only directory with more than $seuilrepert accesses
(Eg : $seuilrepert = 0 to show all directories requests)
- $optdirsize
Type of graphs for directories traffic
1-2-3 html (total, external, domain)
4-5-6 all (total, external, domain)
(Eg : $optdirsize = 4 external and internal traffic for HTML, GIF...)
- $nbdays
Number of days for the daily graphs (0 for the year)
(Eg : $nbdays = 50)
- $virtualserver
Select one web server to filter your NECLF (only applicable with NECLF logfile)
(Eg : $virtualserver = "www.detector.com")
- $defaulthomepage
Default HTML page returned when your httpd server produced "/"
(Eg : $defaulthomepage = "index" (usual one))
- $titlename
Convert URL to the string included in your title's document
(Eg : $titlename = 1 if yes)
- $localdomaine
Add here IP hosts in your $localdomainename (if these hosts don't have DNS)
(Eg : $localdomaine = "$localdomainename|^145\.238\.44\.[4567]" will
add hosts to 7 with your domain hosts)
- $mailadr
Your email if some users want to modify your configuration file.
If people want precise infos on their pages, you should add
their URL in @selection in config.pl file
(Eg : $mailadr = "webmaster\@hplyot.obspm.fr")
- $tildealias
Your alias for users HTML directory
(Eg : $tildealias = "public_html" or "www")
- $yellowfile
Need if you use yellow page NIS for your intranet DNS
(Eg : $yellowfile = "" don't use yellow page)
- $reverse_dns
Will convert IP address to name server (WARNING : very slow !!!)
(Eg : $reverse_dns = 1 will activate)
Extensions to scan
Select which extensions to parse
Value |
Comment |
('html','htm','shtml') |
parsing html files |
('html','htm','shtml','php','php3') |
parsing html and php files |
('html','php') |
parsing html and php only |
('rm','ra','smi','smile','ram') |
parsing realserver files |
Select which extensions to parse
Value |
Comment |
('gif','jpg','jpeg') |
parsing gif and jpeg images only |
('jpg','gif','png') |
parsing gif, jpg and png images |