Make a new config
First step is to create a configuration file. Some are provided for default configuration (Mandrake, IIS). If you want to use a default one, you can already launch the stats.

Configuration can be build from scratch (make), from a default configuration provided (modify) or from an existing one (clone). A good starting point is to load a default configuration to build your own one (clone).

Modify a config
Verify a config
Clone an existing config
Delete a config
Upgrade config files

Before run
You can run the package from the web administration interface or from a crontab. Don't mix both as web user has very limited privileges and won't be able to read/write file owned by a user.
Immediate launch
Delayed launch

View stats
For each configuration file, a summary show you basic stats to compare your different run. Selecting a website bring the complete stats output.

Documentation is available on w3perl website and is included in the package. A forum is also available.