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Configuration - Step 8 -

Choose the way you want to display stats output.
Language  English and USA share the same language file. The only difference is on the flag being displayed as american people want their own flag ;) " WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 ALT="point"> -->
Top frame text customisation :
(Put here whatever html code you want to show, example show an URL to the homepage, use simple quote (') instead of double quote ("))

Language used :
English USA French German Spanish
Italian Portuguese Brazilian Dutch Japanese
Finnish Hungarian Thai Chinese
(Stats will be available in these languages also, choose USA if you want to display the american flag rather then the UK one)
Default language :
English USA French German Spanish
Italian Portuguese Brazilian Dutch Japanese
Finnish Hungarian Thai Chinese
Display graphic
Graphs output :
Bar chart 3D bar chart
Lines Filled lines
(Choose one of the way of displaying graphics)
Text output :
Text color Red : Green : Blue :
Link color Red : Green : Blue :
Visited link color Red : Green : Blue :
(Use hexadecimal value from 0 (dark) to FF (bright))
Background :
Image File
Color Red Green Blue
(Use hexadecimal value from 0 (dark) to FF (bright), background file should be stored in the w3perl resources directory or use absolute URL)
Logo :
(Logo file should be stored in the w3perl resources directory or use absolute URL, maximum width is set to 400 pixels and height is 100 pixels)
Hide others reports :
Yes No
(If others W3Perl's reports are available, they will be available in the menu)
Hide resources menu :
Yes No
(Resources menu can be hidden for provider)