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Launch scripts

Choose which scripts you want to run. If your logs are stored on a different host than your website, you don't need to run as this script check your webserver documents.

Then choose when you want to run each of these scripts

 cron-inc Incremental scripts for main stats
(hosts, countries, pages, scripts, directories, download, traffic, filetype)
 cron-agent Agent stats
(browsers, OS)
 cron-refer Referer stats
(Search engine, bookmark, referer hosts, referer pages, entry pages, exit pages)
 cron-error Error stats
(Server error, file does not exist)
 cron-session Session stats
(Visitors, connection time, multiple session, session time, search engine session, login, average hour/day)
 cron-hour Hourly stats
 cron-day Daily stats
 cron-week Weekly stats
 cron-month Monthly stats
Main incremental stats
Hourly stats  every hour
Daily stats
Weekly stats
Monthly stats