Error stats

This page display the default flag option for the script.

  Flag Description Value
-b don't run incremental  
-d <days> number of days to scan (Extended logfile format only)
-g graphic output  bar chart  3d bar chart  line  filled line
-i <file> input logfile
-l language output
 english  french  dutch  italian  portuguese
 japanese  spanish  finnish  hungarian  brazilian
 german  thai  chinese
-j <date> stats on dd/Mmm/yyyy / /
-f 'file does not exist', HTML files only  
-q <tri> 'file does not exist', matching string only
-k 'file does not exist', show referer page  
-o <threshold> threshold on display
-s <date> starting date (dd/Mmm/yyyy) / /
-r <date> ending date (dd/Mmm/yyyy) / /
-t Display toplist files