There are two ways to exclude stats :
- First is under the package control and is based on status code. Server and client error are not counted because they do not reflect a real web activity. Redirect are also rejected (status code 300+) because these are redirection and cache activity. Other tools may use the 304 status code (proxy) but this is not a real user request to your server, the proxy just ask if the document is uptodate or not. Using your browser 'reload' button is a easy way to increase this number and so should not be taken into account. Check the script section to see other status code and help associated. - Second and last way to reject stats is from your personnal configuration. You may want to exclude some hosts and/or pages from your stats. Also spiders can be excluded if you need it as this is not real users. Spammer is a kind of spamdexing (spamming aimed at search engines). The technique involves making repeated web site requests using a fake referer url that points to the site the spammer wishes to advertise.