* First STAGE : Install the scripts
- Run w3perl.exe
* 2nd STAGE : Building configuration file
- Default configuration file is provided for Windows with no Web
server : config-win.pl. You need to make some modifications in order to use W3Perl.
Edit the file C:\Program Files\W3Perl\config-win.pl and change the settings according to your needs.
* Basically you need to fill some informations about your log files :
- the logfile location (on your hard disk or on a remote host) (default is /W3Perl/logs/)
- your logfile format (default is CLF)
- the name of your logfile (default is access_log)
- if they are compressed/split (default is no compression/no split).
* and your own setup :
- the name of your server
- any filtering rules (page, directory, country ...)
- any display rules (language, number of items to display...)
Help is provided about configuration files.
An online tool is available to build your configuration file.
* 3rd STAGE : Ready
- You should now be able to analyse your logs.
- You can either :
- open a shell (from the windows menu
'Programs'->'Accessories'->'Command Prompt'), change directory to the
W3Perl one (cd C:/Program Files/W3Perl/) and run the
cron-w3perl.pl script with the -a -c config-win.pl flag to start from scratch
(cron-w3perl.pl -a). If you just need to update stats, run the same
script with the -e -c config-win.pl flag.
- Select the 'Init Stats' or 'Update Stats' from the menu 'Program'->'W3Perl'
- In order to watch the ouput, click on the index file located in
C:/W3Perl/stat/ or select 'View Stats' from the menu 'Program'->'W3Perl'
- You can use the command at to schedule the stats to update, add the command 'cron-w3perl.pl -e' to run daily
* Problem ?
If you have any trouble with w3perl, please check installation was
successful. You can contact me if you have serious trouble.