Windows - Apache


If you are using the latest Apache 2, you can download the w3perl-apache.exe binary to install the package.

* First STAGE : Install the scripts

- Run w3perl-apache.exe

* 2nd STAGE : Build configuration file

- Now use your opened browser to http://localhost/w3perl/admin/ to manage configuration files.
- Default configuration file is provided for Apache : You should be able to use it without any modifications if you are using a default Apache server.
- If you want to make some modifications (for instance changing logfile format to ECLF instead of the default CLF), select Modify a config and select the config-win-apache file.
- If you want to build your own configuration file from scratch, click on Make a new config and follow the procedures outlined. By filling in the details you will create a file called

* 3rd STAGE : Ready

- You should now be able to analyse your logs.
- You can run the stats either from a web interface or the 'Start Menu'. Choose one and use always the same way.

1) Web interface : Nicer but you could receive a server timeout
a) In admin go through the Immediate Launch which allow to compute the stats.
b) Select the Windows Apache configuration file
c) Then click on the 'Init all stats' icon.

2) Windows Menu : Faster but more difficult to catch errors/warnings
a) Select 'Start Menu -> Program -> W3Perl -> Init'

- In order to watch the ouput, go back to the administration interface and select the View stats
- You can use the command at to schedule the stats to update, add the command ' -e -c <configfile>' to run daily

* Problem ?

If you have any trouble with w3perl, please check installation was successful. Edit the /w3perl/Config.txt files. This is the configuration parameters which will be use for w3perl installation.


If you are using older Apache version (before 2.2.10), you'll have to use the Unix package.
You can use '/' instead of windows '\' directory separator as Windows Perl is able to convert them on the fly.

* First STAGE : Install the scripts

- Download the w3perl.tar.gz package and extract it in your wwwroot directory. A new sub directory called w3perl will be there now.
- Inside you'll find an '' perl file. Edit it with your Notepad.
- The first line should be your ActivePerl or StrawberryPerl bin path so change the default #!/usr/bin/perl to something like C:/Perl/bin/perl.exe
- then change the $pathcgi and $pathw3perl according to your Apache installation.
* $pathcgi is the directory where your cgi script should be located (should be something like $pathcgi = "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/www/cgi-bin/w3perl/"; if your cgi-bin is C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/www/cgi-bin/).
* $pathw3perl is the directory where w3perl have been extracted (something like $pathw3perl = "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/www/w3perl";)
Usual IIS values are $pathcgi = "C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/cgi-bin/w3perl"; and $pathw3perl = "C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/w3perl"; (change disk letter if required).
- Click on this file. You'll see output describing the installation process.

* 2nd STAGE : Build configuration file

- Now use your opened browser to http://localhost/w3perl/admin/ to build a configuration file.
- Click on Make configuration file and follow the procedures outlined. By filling in the details you will create a file called
- Once created, look for this file in /config/ and move it to your /cgi-bin/w3perl/ directory.

* 3rd STAGE : Ready ?

- You are now ready to analyse your logs.
- In admin go through the Launch area links and start your statistics from initialisation.
- Then run the incremental statistics every day to accumulate your statistics.
- In order to read them go to http://localhost/w3perl/admin/
- You can use at to schedule the script run.

* Problem ?

If you have any trouble with w3perl, feel free to contact me or send a help in the forum.