If you are using older Apache version (before 2.2.10), you'll have to use the Unix package.
You can use '/' instead of windows '\' directory separator as Windows Perl is able to convert them on the fly.
* First STAGE : Install the scripts
- Download the w3perl.tar.gz package and extract it in your wwwroot directory.
A new sub directory called w3perl will be there now.
- Inside you'll find an 'install.pl' perl file. Edit it with your Notepad.
- The first line should be your ActivePerl or StrawberryPerl bin path so change
the default #!/usr/bin/perl to something like C:/Perl/bin/perl.exe
- then change the $pathcgi and $pathw3perl according to your Apache installation.
* $pathcgi is the directory where your cgi script should be located (should be
something like $pathcgi = "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/www/cgi-bin/w3perl/"; if your cgi-bin is
C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/www/cgi-bin/).
* $pathw3perl is the directory where w3perl have been extracted
(something like $pathw3perl = "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/www/w3perl";)
Usual IIS values are $pathcgi = "C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/cgi-bin/w3perl"; and
$pathw3perl = "C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/w3perl"; (change disk letter if required).
- Click on this file. You'll see output describing the installation process.
* 2nd STAGE : Build configuration file
- Now use your opened browser to http://localhost/w3perl/admin/ to build a configuration file.
- Click on Make configuration file and follow the procedures outlined. By filling in the details you will create a file called config.pl
- Once created, look for this file in /config/config.pl and move it to your /cgi-bin/w3perl/ directory.
* 3rd STAGE : Ready ?
- You are now ready to analyse your logs.
- In admin go through the Launch area links and start your statistics from initialisation.
- Then run the incremental statistics every day to accumulate your statistics.
- In order to read them go to http://localhost/w3perl/admin/
- You can use at to schedule the cron-w3perl.pl script run.
* Problem ?
If you have any trouble with w3perl, feel free to contact me or send a
help in the forum.