Upgrading the package

Upgrading is just a matter of making a safe backup and running the upgrade script. This script will update your configuration files and the w3perl scripts. If you have only FTP access, use the w3perl administration interface.

Some upgrade need to reset your stats as incremental data have been changed but you'll be warmed if so.

  1. Backup some data

    Make first a copy of your configuration files, and your install.pl file.

  2. Extract / Update package

    • Ssh/telnet users

      Unpack the package where it have been previously installed, it will overwrite the current w3perl scripts. Then run the upgrade.pl script.
      If you are using RPM, just upgrade the package via your rpm tool.

    • FTP users

      If you have installed W3Perl via FTP, follow the FTP install manual. All scripts should be upload in your cgi-bin directory and resources files in your W3Perl path directory.

  3. Configuration / Update configuration

    • Without administration interface

      You just need to run the upgrade.pl script. Edit the perl path of this script first or run 'perl upgrade.pl'

    • With administration interface

      Just select the upgrade section. Your configuration file will be updated.

Config file
If your own config files (built from the web interface) have disappear from the web admin, edit the /resources/admin/locconf file and add one line for each of your config files as follow (each field is tab separated) :
<configfilename path>, <w3perl version>, <creation date>, <unix/windows OS>, <server type>, <comment>
You should be able to see them now when reloading the web admin interface.

Most of the scripts are now running in incremental mode including referer, agent, error stats. if you need to reset all your stats, you'll need to run cron-w3perl.pl with the -a flag. It will delete all stats data files and launch the scripts to rebuild your stats.
If you just want to reset one of the optional script, running with the '-b' flag will erase the current incremental data. (see option available with the -h flag).