Logfile format

Choosing a logfile is important as it will give which data you are collecting. If you are running a Windows server, you can choose between W3C, IIS or common logfile, W3C being the default. W3C format being customisable, W3Perl detect the format used by reading the logfiles.

W3Perl can cope with :

  • CLF : Common logfile format [all server]
  • ECLF : Extended Common logfile format [Apache] (add referer and agent informations)
  • NECLF : New Extended Common logfile format [Apache] (add virtual server and the elapsed processing time)
  • Domino logfile format [Domino server]
  • IIS [Windows server]
  • W3C [Windows server]
  • FTP logfile format [Unix/Windows server]
  • Mail logfile format [Unix sendmail/postfix/exim server]
  • Squid logfile format [Unix server]
  • CUPS logfile format [Unix server]
  • RealServer logfile format [Unix server]

Referer and agent separate logfiles are also supported.

New logfile format can be easily added in the package, contact me if you need a specific format. You can't have error statistics with IIS as these informations are only stored in a database except if you choose the log the error in the log file.

CLF %host %null %login %date %hourshift %method %page %protocol %status %requetesize
www.lyot.obspm.fr - - [01/Jan/97:23:12:24 +0000] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1220
ECLF %host %null %login %date %hourshift %method %page %protocol %status %requetesize %referer %agent
www.lyot.obspm.fr - - [01/Jan/97:23:12:24 +0000] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1220 "http://www.w3perl.com/softs/" "Mozilla/4.01 (X11; I; SunOS 5.3 sun4m)"
IIS %host %login %date %hour %null %null %null %null %null %requetesize %status %null %method %page, -, 5/5/97, 14:33:27, W3SVC, RHINO,, 2601, 207, 1272, 200, 0, GET, /frabout.htm, -,
W3C %hour %host %method %page %status
19:05:37 GET /images/ap.gif 304
FTP %date %transfert_time %host %requetesize %page %null %null %direction %null %login %method %null %null %status
Tue May 7 15:28:51 2002 920 mix.iap.fr 668499968 /ftp1/linux/redhat-7.3/valhalla-i386-disc1.iso b _ o a guest@unknown ftp 0 * c
RealServer %host %null %login %date %hourshift %method %page %protocol %status %requetesize %agent - - [09/Apr/2003:16:32:10 +0200] "GET admin/xblib.js HTTP/1.0" 200 0 [Mozilla/5.0 (X11;U;Linux i686;en-US;rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021212] [] [UNKNOWN] 0 0 0 0 0 398
Squid %date %elapsed %host %codestatus %requetesize %method %page %null %peerstatus %mimetype
1042153466.411 120 TCP_REFRESH_HIT/304 258 GET http://www.voyages-sncf.com/img/seldate.gif - DEFAULT_PARENT/ - ALLOW
Postfix/Sendmail %date %null %module %id %message
Jan 7 12:09:36 portal postfix/lmtp[21014]: B43F5744258: to=<desti1@some.com>, relay=/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp[/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp], delay=1, status=sent (250 2.1.5 Ok)

You can easily build your own logfile format using the following fields :

Field Description Value (ex)
%host The name or IP of the remote host www.lyot.obspm.fr or
%date Date as Day:Hour or just Day 01/Jan/97:23:12:24 or 1998-02-02
%time Hour 23:12:24
%hourshift Shift from GMT +0200
%method Method requested to send the file GET
%page The file requested /index.html or /sky/astro.gif
%protocol Protocole used HTTP 1.0
%status The status code 200
%requetesize The byte transfered for the requested file 1345
%agent Browser and OS of the remote host Mozilla/4.01 (X11; I; SunOS 5.3 sun4m)
%refer The page the request come from http://www.google.com/
%virtualhost Name of the server the request was www.lyot.obspm.fr
%query Arguments from the request q=w3perl&meta=lr%3D%26hl%3Den
%direction FTP : outgoing or incoming transfer o
%transfert_time FTP : time to transfer 920
%elapsed Time to answer the request 120
%codestatus Proxy status code TCP_REFRESH_HIT/304
%peerstatus Proxy peer status DEFAULT_PARENT/
%mimetype Proxy mimetype text/html
%null Anything not in this list ! -

ECLF for Apache
How to have the extended common logfile with Apache ? (default is common logfile without any referrer and agent logfile !).
You just have to modify this line in your httpd.conf

CustomLog logs/access_log common
CustomLog logs/access_log combined

Then restart your httpd server.